Comments on: Matter of Fact Vitamin C and Bad Science Review The science of beauty, explained simply Sun, 02 Apr 2023 01:29:35 +0000 hourly 1 By: Kay Mon, 12 Sep 2022 23:58:14 +0000 Thank you for this post! As a biochemist by training, virologist by day and avid skincare enthusiast by night…I LOVE YOUR SITE!!!! Delving deep into an area of expertise that’s aligned with your own is challenging enough, but becomes exponentially harder as the area becomes more tangential. And then to present your findings in laymen’s terms…Kudos! I hope you keep doing what your are doing with joy and passion because your posts have saved me hours if not weeks of researching brands and claims like this on my own (shout out to PubMed,, USPTO, WIPO and other science sites).

By: PS Tue, 06 Sep 2022 05:22:10 +0000 Isn’t Accu-Biochem the testing lab that got an FDA warning/notice? For discrepancies.

By: Jenny Tue, 26 Jul 2022 18:40:25 +0000 I just came across your channel lately and watched this video, and heard you were harassed by people. I mean, shame on them. Thanks very much for your thorough analysis. That’s lotsssss of work I can tell… If someone is to refute, they’d better be showing as much CORRECT information, instead of attacking you on irrelevant subjects.

By: GL Wed, 20 Apr 2022 05:03:31 +0000 Amen! Thank you, Michelle, for being an advocate of sound science and ethics in a field where companies often hoodwink consumers. As a skincare enthusiast who has also worked in product development of emulsion consumer products, I wholeheartedly echo your comment that these high temperature accelerated stability studies are approximations and often are used comparatively to assess risks (like color or odor change). They are NOT equivalent to degradation reactions under ambient conditions. I also very much appreciated your humor on poor Reti’s loss and education in the legality bit.

Please continue your great work!

By: Stuart Chundrlek Tue, 05 Apr 2022 21:42:27 +0000 This post really just needs to go to the FTC as a prime example of all the ways that a company can make claims and negatively influence user’s feedback (blocking your posts on their website is against FTC regulation).
I have to admit that I was just randomly wandering around the web looking for information on sunscreens when I came across your site. While I only have a BS in Chemistry, I find any excuse to get my nerd on over most any type of Chemistry and I will be bookmarking this site for future nerd partying

By: Casey Mon, 04 Apr 2022 23:19:14 +0000 Thank you for this post. People need to know when they are being duped. I can’t speak for the rest of the skincare enthusiast community but I appreciate the work that you do!

By: Leslie Walery Mon, 04 Apr 2022 21:51:28 +0000 ♥ I haven’t seen or heard anything about this brand before, which is fine since I won’t be including it into my skincare routine.]]> Thanks to all of the knowledge you’ve given me over the years, I would have been suspicious of this brand’s claims and done my own research before purchasing. I trust your expertise and data and appreciate your humor that goes along with it!😃♥️
I haven’t seen or heard anything about this brand before, which is fine since I won’t be including it into my skincare routine.

By: OddSis Mon, 04 Apr 2022 21:06:44 +0000 Man what a ride! I was so delayed in reading this, but glad I did. It’s brand moves like these that make me super nervous to trust what I’m buying. And I’m not a chemist or expert in any way, so I completely rely on good people like yourself to lay down the know-how. Thanks for posting this! And thanks for all the work you put into these posts and your content in general. It can’t be easy.

By: Michelle S Mon, 04 Apr 2022 13:20:28 +0000 Absolutely fascinating. I’d seen a few of their ads, but my skin is not in a place where I can experiment with new brands, so I haven’t bought anything. Will be avoiding the brand in the future if they’re going to be the sort of people to hire others to bully you. A lack of knowledge is fixable, but deliberate maliciousness is not acceptable under any circumstances.

By: Kaylee Mon, 04 Apr 2022 13:19:45 +0000 This was an amazing post, and really delightful constructive criticism. I thought your delivery was direct, very informative, and fair. If MoF wants to improve I hope they do take your criticism to heart.
