Video: Antioxidants in Skincare, and Tips for Product Selection

Affiliate Disclosure: I receive a small commission for purchases made via affiliate links.
How to cite: Wong M. Video: Antioxidants in Skincare, and Tips for Product Selection. Lab Muffin Beauty Science. June 2, 2018. Accessed December 22, 2023.

I’ve made a new video about antioxidants in skincare – it’s based on this post from a while ago: Antioxidants in Skincare: What Do They Do?

In the video, I talk about:

  • What free radicals are
  • How they’re linked to skin damage
  • Where free radicals come from
  • How antioxidants work
  • Which antioxidant ingredients have been studied in clinical trials
  • Tips on how to pick an effective antioxidant product

Click here to watch the video.

Since my previous post, I’ve tried some new antioxidant products:

Do you use antioxidant products? What do you think of them?

Video: Antioxidants in Skincare, and Tips for Product Selection

These products were provided for editorial consideration, which did not affect my opinion. This post also contains affiliate links – if you decide to click through and support Lab Muffin financially (at no extra cost to you), thank you! For more information, see Disclosure Policy.

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7 thoughts on “Video: Antioxidants in Skincare, and Tips for Product Selection”

  1. Hi! I didn’t quite know where to put this, but I thought I’d ask: I absolutely love your posts on The Ordinary brand for skincare. (I use several of their products.) I’d love to know more about the science behind them and just see what you have to say in general. You’ve done the Niacinamide+Zinc serum and the Granactive Retinoid serum (among others), but specifically I’d love to know about The Ordinary’s Glycolic Acid 7% Toning Solution. (These are the three products I use lol.) Anyway, this is just me throwing out ideas into the universe and seeing what happens. Thanks for your blog; it’s great!

    • Thank you! I haven’t even seen that product with my own eyes yet unfortunately… would love to try it though!

  2. Hi Michelle! I’m just going to drop my question here as I feel it would probably be bothersome dropping a question into your business email. But I am a skinthusiast who is thinking about seriously becoming a cosmetic chemist or even a dermatologist- despite no background in science aside from when I did it for a term in high school. Would you be able to give me advice on where I could possibly start and what majors I’d possibly need to study to achieve these goals?

    • Hi! I think the best thing to do is to ask a university careers centre – they’ll be able to answer much better than I could 🙂

  3. Hi Michelle, this was super helpful! Have you tried or heard good things about Drunk Elephant’s Vitamin C product? I’ve heard good reviews, but science is the most reliable! Thanks!


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