Uncategorized – Lab Muffin Beauty Science https://labmuffin.com The science of beauty, explained simply Wed, 19 Jul 2023 01:22:13 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://labmuffin.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/cropped-muffin-logo-bw-1-32x32.png Uncategorized – Lab Muffin Beauty Science https://labmuffin.com 32 32 Reviewing Top Korean Skincare Part 2 https://labmuffin.com/reviewing-top-korean-skincare-2/ https://labmuffin.com/reviewing-top-korean-skincare-2/#comments Sat, 11 Feb 2023 12:55:13 +0000 https://labmuffin.com/?p=13199 trying influencer favourites korean skincareI’ve been testing Korean skincare products I’ve seen recommended again and again by influencers. I couldn’t fit them all in one post, so here’s part 2.  If you missed it, Part 1 is here! The video is here, keep scrolling for the text version… Korean skincare products are super popular, but there are so many options it can be overwhelming. ...

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Polyhydroxy acids? Aminofil? Neostrata Skin Active Tri-Therapy Lifting Serum https://labmuffin.com/polyhydroxy-acids-aminofil-neostrata-skin-active-tri-therapy-lifting-serum/ https://labmuffin.com/polyhydroxy-acids-aminofil-neostrata-skin-active-tri-therapy-lifting-serum/#comments Thu, 15 Oct 2020 11:30:05 +0000 https://labmuffin.com/?p=10953 Neostrata Tri-Therapy Lifting SerumThis post is sponsored by Neostrata. Neostrata is a cult brand amongst skincare nerds, and for good reason – it’s the brand that doctors Eugene Van Scott and Ruey Yu started after they discovered the skin-rejuvenating properties of alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) like glycolic acid and lactic acid in the 1970s. Thanks to their pioneering work, AHAs are now the most ...

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Pixi Beauty Mist review: Glow, Hydrating Milky, Vitamin Wakeup, Makeup Fixing https://labmuffin.com/pixi-beauty-mist-review-glow-hydrating-milky-vitamin-wakeup-makeup-fixing/ https://labmuffin.com/pixi-beauty-mist-review-glow-hydrating-milky-vitamin-wakeup-makeup-fixing/#comments Sat, 20 May 2017 10:21:50 +0000 https://labmuffin.com/?p=7768 Pixi Beauty Mist review: Glow, Hydrating Milky, Vitamin Wakeup, Makeup FixingI used to think skincare mists were a pointless gimmick. Why use something that’s been watered down to work in spray form, when you could use a regular serum or cream that contains more concentrated ingredients instead? Plus you’re wasting all that product that doesn’t make it onto your skin! But I’ve finally seen the light. Mists aren’t meant to ...

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L’Oréal & La Roche-Posay’s My UV Patch Review https://labmuffin.com/loreal-la-roche-posays-uv-patch-review/ https://labmuffin.com/loreal-la-roche-posays-uv-patch-review/#comments Fri, 25 Nov 2016 21:24:35 +0000 https://labmuffin.com/?p=7231 L’Oréal & La Roche-Posay's My UV Patch ReviewI was really excited to hear about L’Oréal/La Roche-Posay’s My UV Patch, a recently launched electronic wearable that can measure your UV exposure. La Roche-Posay have some of the best sunscreens on the market, so you know they’re serious about sun protection. My UV Patch is a blue heart-shaped patch that’s about the size of a large coin and half ...

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Smile Makers Vibrators Launch in Priceline…whaaat??! https://labmuffin.com/smile-makers-vibrators-launch-priceline/ https://labmuffin.com/smile-makers-vibrators-launch-priceline/#comments Thu, 03 Nov 2016 20:30:48 +0000 https://labmuffin.com/?p=7179 Smile Makers vibrators launch in Priceline...what??!Today I want to talk about something awkward but necessary: sexual wellbeing. Sexual wellbeing is an extremely important but taboo and under-discussed aspect of physical and psychological health. If you know me in real life, you may want to stop reading around here and detour to the safer waters of sunscreen quantities or exfoliating or hair protectants instead. Or not, ...

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Fake Tan Review: Cocoa Brown and Fake Bake https://labmuffin.com/fake-tan-review-cocoa-brown-and-fake-bake/ https://labmuffin.com/fake-tan-review-cocoa-brown-and-fake-bake/#respond Fri, 12 Feb 2016 21:10:59 +0000 https://labmuffin.com/?p=6315 fake-tan-cocoa-brown-fake-bakeHaving had some success with gradual tanners, I decided to go further and try out some actual fake tan: Cocoa Brown 1 Hour Tan and Fake Bake Mousse Instant Self-Tan. The key difference between fake tan and gradual tanner is that fake tan also contains a colour guide, which is brown pigment that gives your skin instant colour in addition ...

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Korean Gray-Brown Brow Pencil Comparison https://labmuffin.com/korean-gray-brown-brow-pencil-comparison/ https://labmuffin.com/korean-gray-brown-brow-pencil-comparison/#comments Fri, 22 Jan 2016 22:17:29 +0000 https://labmuffin.com/?p=6197 Asian-brow-pencilsI have undyed East Asian hair, so it’s hard to find a good brow product in stores in Australia. Luckily the Asian beauty market has it covered with tons of grey-brown options! I couldn’t find many comparison swatches online so I ended up buying a whole stack of “Gray Brown” pencils from a range of Korean brands (The Face Shop, ...

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Fact-check: Does Tea Tree Oil Work? https://labmuffin.com/fact-check-does-tea-tree-oil-work/ https://labmuffin.com/fact-check-does-tea-tree-oil-work/#comments Tue, 11 Aug 2015 20:55:11 +0000 https://labmuffin.com/?p=5509 tea-tree-oilTea tree oil is probably something you’ve seen at the beauty counter dozens of times, in skincare creams and ointments. But what is it used for? What’s tea tree oil? Tea tree oil comes from the leaves of the Melaleuca alternifolia shrub (common name tea tree, surprise surprise!). This tree is native to Eastern Australia. The oil is colourless to ...

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My favourite nail art of 2014 https://labmuffin.com/favourite-nail-art-2014/ https://labmuffin.com/favourite-nail-art-2014/#comments Thu, 01 Jan 2015 20:36:58 +0000 https://labmuffin.com/?p=4237 Happy New Year everyone! I hope you had some fun celebrations – I certainly did! To continue my end-of-year round-up, I’m looking back at my favourite nail art from last year. Artsy Wednesday concluded in 2014, and I’ve honestly been quite lazy about nail art without it. I’ve been pretty happy with my progress though! Blue Rose – inspired by ...

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