Rosehip PLUS Skin Boost Roll-On review

Affiliate Disclosure: I receive a small commission for purchases made via affiliate links.
How to cite: Wong M. Rosehip PLUS Skin Boost Roll-On review. Lab Muffin Beauty Science. July 6, 2013. Accessed December 22, 2023.

Rosehip Vital, which I reviewed earlier, has recently changed their name to RosehipPLUS. I thought I’d seen everything rosehip, but then I received a sample of Rosehip PLUS Skin Boost Roll-On. I didn’t expect this product to be a winner – how can you really improve on one of the most common HGs out there? But surprisingly, I’d happily recommend it!

Unlike the chemist-y glass dropper bottles that usually house rosehip oil, this comes in a roller ball-fitted plastic squeezy tube. It’s the same certified organic, nutrient-rich, cold-pressed, skin-clearing oil as the original, so what exactly does the new packaging offer?

Firstly, it’s very travel-friendly. Rosehip oil tends to react with the rubber teat (yes, that’s the real name of it! Snicker) of the dropper when it touches it, which is pretty much anytime it’s not upright. Plus, the plastic is far more durable, and it protects the oil from light better than the amber glass.

Secondly, the amount of oil it dispenses is easily controlled – no more dropper accidents which leave you wiping your precious overdispensed RHO onto your thighs! For the clumsy (e.g. me) it also eliminates the issue where the oil spills everywhere if you knock it over (I actually cried the one time this happened to me. The waste!).

The roller ball also gives your face a nice massage as you use it, which is a bonus, especially under the eyes. The packaging also suggests that it helps with more precise application, but since I like to cover my whole face with oil, this doesn’t matter to me.

At $14.95 for 15 mL, it’s slightly more expensive than buying either size of RosehipPLUS in the glass bottles, but it’s still well away from the pricey end of the RHO spectrum. I’m a huge fan of this new product – as you probably know, I’m a rosehip oil addict, and I’ve found that my skin visibly suffers on the few times I’ve stayed out and been too lazy to transfer some RHO to a little carry vial. This is light, small and durable enough to keep in my handbag, while staying surprisingly budget-friendly.

You can purchase Rosehip PLUS Skin Boost Roll-On at most pharmacies and health stores, RRP $14.95 for 15 mL.

This product was provided for editorial consideration, which did not affect my opinion. For more information, see Disclosure Policy.

Skincare Guide

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6 thoughts on “Rosehip PLUS Skin Boost Roll-On review”

  1. I’ve been testing this one out too and loving it! So much easier than the glass bottle! I just leave it on my bedside table so I don’t forget to put it on before bed – genius! xx

    • I’m hoping I can work out how to refill it once it runs out, I’m loving it so much more than the glass bottles too but I have a heap of bottles in my cupboard to get through!

  2. I love the idea of this! I have a serum similar that has roller balls that I’ve been trying out and I love how quick it is so once I’ve finished up all my rose hip oil I’ll be keeping an eye out for this.



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