Bridesmaid nail polish frankens

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How to cite: Wong M. Bridesmaid nail polish frankens. Lab Muffin Beauty Science. January 12, 2012. Accessed December 22, 2023.
For my friend’s wedding the bridesmaids are wearing medium grey satin dresses with nude shoes and dusty pink roses. I’ve been frankening some possible nail colours for us – we have very different skin tones which makes it a bit difficult, but we’ve agreed on soft pink. 
These were all made by combining ulta3 Sizzling Red (only a few drops, it’s very potent), Honolulu (bright yellow, needs heaps – it’s rather weak), Lily White and Black Satin. I put Seche Vite and Rimmel Matte Pro Mattifying Topcoat on top. They look a bit like egg shells!
I think the pink on the little finger looks best. They’re all a bit boring with the matte so I think I’m going to go without matte topcoat on the day. What do you think?

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3 thoughts on “Bridesmaid nail polish frankens”

  1. This was such a great post! I also definitely like the little finger the best since reading this article – great for being imaginative and for stating the obvious. I appreciate your hard work🙂


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